Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Just a random meaningless update, the story of Kitty Gangland & the Wonderous Winds

So I have been on sabbatical from blogging for a while due to a hardcore, painful case of kidney stones. But now I'm feeling a little better, thanks to a couple of very cute, very loving balls of fur I call mine.

I am definately a believer in the healing of a cat's purr now. Whenever I had the first attack of pain from these stones, Neko got up in the bed with me (which for her is a huge deal because she's so damn skittish) and positioned herself on the side that was aching and laid there purring away. Her purr was quite different than her normal, happy purr too. It was lower, and seemed to have more bass and be more continuous.

It calmed me down and made me feel better. And I was able to actually lay still long enough to get some sleep. Granted, I still had to go to the emergency room and get pain meds and all of that, I'm not saying it's a miracle cure (and I'm sure you think I'm just a crazy cat lady) but I do definately understand it now.

And, since Neko threw caution to the wind to lay on me for so long, it was great for her progress. She now jumps up in the bed with me every night and will cuddle up and purr me to sleep, and she also hops up every morning when she hears me waking up and moving around to snuggle and get her petting in before I go start my day. She has even started to let El pet her more and jumped up on the bed even while he's moving around or talking. She doesn't act so much like he's the devil anymore.

Since I've been feeling bad Alowicious has also started to get that old sweet streak in her that she used to have with me before we got Neko and she started not having anything to do with us cuddlewise if she could help it. Yes, Alowicious is definately way more in love with El than she is with me and probably always will be. But we share a special bond of being lazy while watching movies. She loves to curl up on my belly if I'm laying on the couch, but I think it's

1.just so she can lord over Neko (who is usually laying beside the couch on my shoes because she has a creepy foot fetish) or

2. just so she can wait until I let my guard down enough so she can springboard off my gut to the back of the couch and the picture window beyond.

So all in all the girls are doing pretty well. They also seem to be getting along with each other better. They run through the house like two buffalo chasing and tumbling and even body slamming each other.

Just last night they got their first dose of "strange winds from the horrible outside." and it was amusing. See, these two have been inside only kitties since we got them, and I have decided to keep it that way.

Call me overprotective if you want, but it's safer and easier for everyone involved. Not to mention, we'd never see Neko again if she ever got out, and I doubt Alowicious could survive because we found her at 7 weeks old.

We have a bunch of huge, scarred up, fighting all the time for territory, intact cats in the neighborhood. And since the two badass siamese El had a few years ago (before I moved in) died, our yard has been the neutral ground.
It has been unclaimed by any of the kitty gang members, so they use the front yard to lay around and doze in (usually on the driveway where we park instead of the grass- you'd think it'd be hot as hell there,but we all know that cats love to make us work our lives around what they wish!) The side yard is to fight in, and the back yard to fuck in.

So nope, my little girls are not going to be in on ANY of that action. They act like they're too good for that street thug life anyhow. They're so picky and princess like. Even Neko, who will go in the basement and try to dig for earthworms from the sump pump and have a mouth full of black mud acts like she's too good to live rough since she's come to live here.

I feed them wet food once or twice a week, mostly to give Neko hairball medicine. She's the only cat I've ever seen that won't lick it off your finger and reduces me to hiding it in wet food. She's long haired and grooming or brushing her is an ordeal to say the least, but we are working at it...so that's why she needs the hairball goo.

She adores wet food and will sing, dance, and just generally spin around he kitchen raising high holy hell until the plate is presented in front of her majesty. Then she proceeds to wolf it down at warp speed and go after Alowicious' portion, which Alowicious usually let's her because she isn't so crazy over wet food. So you'd think I could just give wet food to Neko and let Alowicious just lick the hairball goop off of my finger and all would be right with the world. Right? Wrong.

If one cat gets wet food, or anything that can be considered food or that smells like it, the other one has to have it too..or there's hell to pay. Days of it. So this is the reason I have to put Alowicious and her wet food up on a side table we have by the kitchen counter. She loves that because she's more of a climber than Neko, and it keeps the fuzzy Holestein from gobbling up more than her fair share. Everybody gets their medicine, I don't have to deal with gross, barf covered balls of hair being stepped on with my bare feet...and everybody's happy.

Last night, we decided to open the windows and get some fresh air rolling through the house. (we have central air so it's normally shut up pretty tight.) The cats were amazed by the feel of the wind through their fur, the sounds of the birds being louder, and the neighbors' voices. They crept slowly up to the blinds, peeked through the slats, and shoved behind them to press their little noses on the screens. They breathed in the air and took in the sights and loved it.

When it was wet food time, they came to eat, reluctantly leaving the windows they ran back and forth to and from for hours. It was then the next door neighbor's dog was let outside, and began to bark. And bark.

Alowicious regarded this sound as annoying and kept on eating, pausing to glance toward the sound every once in a while as if she was using the force to try and quell it.

Neko must have encountered a dog once or twice in her life in and around a gas station parking lot because she flipped her shit! Her eyes got as round as saucers and she froze in place, hunkered down and looked crazily in all directions for an escape route. Usually, in two seconds flat after that and she takes off running and is gone, stomping loudly with her little feet instead of quietly gliding away like you'd think she would in the case of what she views as an attack.

Not this time, she didn't want to leave her food. She kept looking at the plate, sneaking a bite, and then going back to her crazy eyed stance. This made me laugh hysterically, because if you could have seen us trying to catch this cat when we first got her and us trying to ply her into traps and carriers with wet food that she would simply ignore. Or eat and be too slick and quick for us to catch. She was like Houdini. And now, here she was a housecat. Sensing great danger, but tempting fate by trying to finish her food first.

The more the dog barked, the more she hovered over her plate guarding it like those guys in prison eat on the movies. It seemed that the evil dog now was expected to run up and grab the food instead of eating her. I kept waiting for her to relax, and realize that the dog was outside. Finally she connected the sound with the window, and when she was done eating wouldn't hop back up in it to explore, and instead went and hid under the bed until she'd had a good nap and finally creeped out when I was snuggled on the couch with Alowicious reading and demanded we play with her string.

I think it's an amazing thing though that she didn't run away like she usually does. I am proud that she stood her ground and finished her food (and half of Alowicious'). And tonight, as a reward and an experiment I am going to fill the kitchen sink with a little bit of water and float a rubber ducky in there to see if they'll play with it.

Alowicious just went through her drinking out of the tap every time you turned it on phase and seems to be uninterested in water now, unless it's in her water bowl. She always freaked out and jumped down any time I moved while she was drinking out of the sink like I was gonna soak her or something.She looks like she wants to bat at the flowing water, but she just doesn't like it to touch her.

Neko comes running now with her little chirpy war cry straight up on the counter to the kitchen sink any time I turn it on. She won't drink out of it, but moves her head toward it and bats a paw out to test it. She always stands up on the edge of the bathtub to look in if the water's running and faithfully lays in wait outside to lick my wet ankles when I'm in the shower. She tried to crawl in the shower once to follow me, but the water hit her and she freaked. I think they may both be water loving cats but they're just too nervous about it because it's unknown. It would be weird, and possibly messy having a long haired cat that likes the water...but oh well. I'm gonna test it out. I will document the results if have eyes left and they aren't scratched out.

Smell ya later!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Loudest Purring Cat


posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Diggin' For Gold

What is it about fresh litter that makes all cats go crazy? Is it the animal equivalent of that new car smell, or clean sheets fresh out of the dryer and still warm? Every time I scoop poop they watch me the whole time, they wait until they can come desecrate it with that first pee. I swear they have a special reserve bladder for just this occasion. It doesn't matter how long it's been since they've eaten or drank, or any previous business they've attended to only minutes before you clean the litter box. Both of mine go racing for it and usually jump in it together. This is the only time they get into the litter box together.

In fact, Alowicious has started trying to resolve this problem by sticking the top half of her body out of the hole (we use a covered box) so Neko can't get past her to get in there until she's done. Apparently it's such a huge deal to be the first to go in fresh litter that now that Alowicious is blocking, Neko has just started hopping on in there and trying to get in before I put the lid back on. I'm sure most people don't like cleaning out the shitbox, but lately I don't mind it because I'm sure this little competition is just getting started and I can't wait to see what they come up with next.

And while we are on the subject of the litter box...I have been thinking that cat turds must be involved in taking over the world somehow. They may even hold secrets to the meaning of life or world peace, or cure cancer. Think about it- any time your cat goes to the bathroom it really doesn't want you to see what's going on in there. Sure, often times you can glimpse the pee freely, but catching your cat pooping is like finding that garden gnome that is real. This is why they usually drop deuces while you are busy and they know it ; especially when you are just sitting down to dinner, it isn't just to stink up the whole house while you're eating like you think. Those noxious gasses from them shitting that xmas tree and decorating it are covering up something important so that you never get near it. Have you ever noticed how cats watch you get rid of their poo? They don't want it around, but you'd better be careful what you do with it!

This would also explain why dogs loooovvvveee the gravel covered tootsie rolls that come out of the litterbox. They treat it like the rarest chocolate truffle, even when they know you're gonna yell at them for eating it, they just cannot help themselves.

Also, this would explain why EVERYTHING you do in the bathroom must be supervised by a cat at all times. They need to make sure you don't have the world's oldest secrets or binary code in your BM's. This is why you get the death stare from most, they perch on the edge of the bathtub, ready to kill you if you poop the wrong thing. They will bust in the door nearly tripping you as you go in so that you won't shut it in their face. If you do happen to get lucky enough to shut the door in their face, they will never give up the mission & may jab their paws underneath the door or lie in wait just outside it. Some may even sing to you to make your poop more normal and something they won't have to fight before it's flushed. Everyone knows there's magic powers in a cat's song!

Observe your cats, tell me I'm wrong. Didn't think so! Well, I must go now...please don't dig around in cat shit just to see what they're hiding! This was merely my crazy mind and its musings! Smell ya later!

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Purr-fect Evolution

Months ago I stumbled upon talk of the healing power of a cat's purr. I thought it was very interesting, and it's awesome that it's actually backed up by scientific research if you search around. The thing I think is weird is that it doesn't mention that some cats purr "soundlessly". In fact, in most articles like this example I found, it said that all felids (cats, ocelots, tigers, etc.) purr the same. It's mechanical like. That might be true that it's monotone and monotonous or whatever but in my two cats (and other cats I've had throughout my life) I see a definate difference that wasn't mentioned.

Alowicious cannot be heard purring unless you actually lay your head on top of her. Then sometimes you can only feel the slight vibration, and not hear it at all. This could be said that she just isn't content ever (she is siamese, they are the cat equivalent of our human redheads...are they EVER happy with anything? LOL) but I don't think it's that. I have plenty of pictures of her sleeping and quite joyously smiling. Ever since we got her at seven weeks old, her whole vocalization from purring to meowing has been soft, choppy, sometimes broken. Sometimes even inaudible but you can see her mouth move. Whenever she sasses us (the boyfriend especially, as he's a redhead and they have the same personality!) she makes a soft half purr/half hiss/ half meow. It sounds sort of like the Predator.

Neko however is a purring machine! You can hear her purr across three counties, and it's usually constant-unless she's been startled and having one of her momentary heart palpitations. She's still so skittish about certain things. I do declare if it keeps up I might have to buy her a fainting couch and a folding fan for those moments when she has tha vapours! She also does the cutest, craziest thing with her mouth I just haven't been able to figure out as of yet. It's gonna be a little hard to explain in writing, but bear with me as I try (I've been trying so hard to get a video of it, but so far no luck.)

Do you remember that old song Lollipop, and how you put your finger in your mouth and made the popping sound? Well, that's the sound she makes but it is just by opening her mouth very hard. I'm not sure if she clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth or what. It happens at weird times, like when she's just settling into relaxing or you say something that confuses the hell out of her, or if she's very concentrated on something. Usually when she's done she leaves her mouth hanging open a bit and sometimes her tongue lolls out, making it hilarious. I call it her slack-jawed yokel face i.e. The Cletus Pop. That's how we always know she's in the bedroom at night. It will be pitch dark and you can hear that "pop" loud and clear. Alowicious cannot be detected at night unless she's hopping on your chest licking your nose with her fish breath wanting attention at 4 a.m.

Anyways, I digress. Check out this info on purring ... speaking of sleeping it's time for the kitties and i to take a nap.

Purring Helps with Healing: Cat Purr Frequency Increases Bone Density & Speeds Injury Recovery

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Introducing my turdlets of joy!

  By popular demand! The hijinks of my two cats have grown too big for just a mere status on Facebook, or a guest spot on my blog. So I decided to give them their own so that cat lovers may read at their convenience and people who get sick of my sappy obsession can choose not to look. The stars of this blog were rescued from a parking lot life by my boyfriend and I (there will be more details on that later!).

  Alowicious is definately the alpha. She's a sassy, talkative flame-point siamese with hypnotic beautiful blue eyes that she uses to control us in her plight to take over the world and be worshipped for the goddess she is. She enjoyed being a lone agent in the household until Neko came along, and now tries to convince her she will have a spot at the right side of the mighty throne if she'll help her enslave us. Neko is a long haired anime character (hence her name) in the disguise of a mini-holstein cow that is sneakier than a ninja. She can also fold herself up into a ball the size of a quarter and is harder to catch then a bolt of lightning unless it is on her terms, then she purrs loud enough to wake the dead.


  Their powers combined would be formidable, but right now Neko isn't very interested in helping because she loves getting lovin's, and wet food. Alowicious sleeps too much, so we can all rest safe for another night.
Tune in again for the story of their origin and perhaps next time I will offer some nuggets of wisdom, or at the very least proofread before I post all willy nilly. Goodnight gentle readers and faithful fans. Until the urge strikes again I will cover this over now.

 Smell ya later!