Thursday, February 17, 2011

Purr-fect Evolution

Months ago I stumbled upon talk of the healing power of a cat's purr. I thought it was very interesting, and it's awesome that it's actually backed up by scientific research if you search around. The thing I think is weird is that it doesn't mention that some cats purr "soundlessly". In fact, in most articles like this example I found, it said that all felids (cats, ocelots, tigers, etc.) purr the same. It's mechanical like. That might be true that it's monotone and monotonous or whatever but in my two cats (and other cats I've had throughout my life) I see a definate difference that wasn't mentioned.

Alowicious cannot be heard purring unless you actually lay your head on top of her. Then sometimes you can only feel the slight vibration, and not hear it at all. This could be said that she just isn't content ever (she is siamese, they are the cat equivalent of our human redheads...are they EVER happy with anything? LOL) but I don't think it's that. I have plenty of pictures of her sleeping and quite joyously smiling. Ever since we got her at seven weeks old, her whole vocalization from purring to meowing has been soft, choppy, sometimes broken. Sometimes even inaudible but you can see her mouth move. Whenever she sasses us (the boyfriend especially, as he's a redhead and they have the same personality!) she makes a soft half purr/half hiss/ half meow. It sounds sort of like the Predator.

Neko however is a purring machine! You can hear her purr across three counties, and it's usually constant-unless she's been startled and having one of her momentary heart palpitations. She's still so skittish about certain things. I do declare if it keeps up I might have to buy her a fainting couch and a folding fan for those moments when she has tha vapours! She also does the cutest, craziest thing with her mouth I just haven't been able to figure out as of yet. It's gonna be a little hard to explain in writing, but bear with me as I try (I've been trying so hard to get a video of it, but so far no luck.)

Do you remember that old song Lollipop, and how you put your finger in your mouth and made the popping sound? Well, that's the sound she makes but it is just by opening her mouth very hard. I'm not sure if she clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth or what. It happens at weird times, like when she's just settling into relaxing or you say something that confuses the hell out of her, or if she's very concentrated on something. Usually when she's done she leaves her mouth hanging open a bit and sometimes her tongue lolls out, making it hilarious. I call it her slack-jawed yokel face i.e. The Cletus Pop. That's how we always know she's in the bedroom at night. It will be pitch dark and you can hear that "pop" loud and clear. Alowicious cannot be detected at night unless she's hopping on your chest licking your nose with her fish breath wanting attention at 4 a.m.

Anyways, I digress. Check out this info on purring ... speaking of sleeping it's time for the kitties and i to take a nap.

Purring Helps with Healing: Cat Purr Frequency Increases Bone Density & Speeds Injury Recovery

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