Thursday, October 11, 2012

In my long absence, we got another cat...

I have been seriously neglecting this blog, when there is so much craziness my cats get into that could entertain others as it does me. I have been having health problems for a long while and have been busy trying to get other things accomplished. I promise t share more kitty antics in the future though...Especially now that we have three. I would like to introduce you to Cleopatra, our new striped queen. My boyfriend, (who kept telling all of my friends "no more cats!" after our second, Neko, found her at a scrap yard when he was hauling scrap. She just came up to him as pretty as you please and began to love on him and work her feminine feline wiles. Since our other two cats don't really love on him much, and for no lack of him trying as he is a cat person also, he was smitten right away.

He called me while I was in the store and I immediately came home and we went back together to get her. She is one of the most people loving cats I have ever seen. She let the boyfriend give her a bath, and hardly protested. She had some oil on her from running around all of the trucks and scrapped vehicles parked in the lot. She is the ONLY cat I have ever had that willingly goes into a cat carrier and loves it. She actually sleeps in one from time to time. I am hoping that seeing this will help the others realize that they are not mobile boxes of death and torture like they think.

When we took Cleo for her first vet visit, she loved all over the vet and they fell in love with her. She seemed so grateful to have been rescued. She definitely moved right on in and made herself at home, despite what Alowicious and Neko thought. Before Cleo saw the vet, we quarantined her in the bathroom and had her carrier in there to sleep in. We wanted all of the cats to get used to each other through smells and for them to get familiar through the door and also to make sure she didn't have anything contagious. She immediately tried to play with the other two with the zomie paw underneath the door. My predictions were that Neko would get along with her (since she's always tried to play with Alowicious) and that Alowicious would hate her. Boy, was I wrong. Alowicious just pretty much ignored her, since she's already been through this once when we got Neko I guess it wasn't a big deal to her. When Cleo tries to play with her they have epic slap fights.Neko however hid for almost a week, only coming out to eat or use the litter box. After that, she has acted like it's her job to discipline Cleo by chasing her or smacking her around when she gets on her nerves or when Neko gets jealous.

Cleo however is used to fighting all of those huge scrap yard cats, so she can handle herself. Even though she's small, about half the size of Neko and Alowicious, she's definitely a scrapper. She pisses off the other two because she asserts herself and has to butt up into absolutely everything. She has to be the bathroom police also, and every time the others are playing she will rush over to be involved.

She buried food in the litter box when we first got her, but thankfully she has stopped that. She was also the ost melodramatic cat I have ever eard when she went into heat. She yowled and flopped around worse than Scarlett O'Hara. After we got her spayed, I kind of got worried because it seemed like they took out too much of her guts. Her sides were kind of caved in. I shouldn't have worried about that though, because soon she started to blow up. Turns out, she was getting into the trash at night. She had also started gobbling up huge amounts of food for no apparent reason. She still has high energy, and is very active, but she is now on a diet and I am starting he process of switching all of the kitties to acual meal times instead of free feeding them. This will be especially hard for Neko because since she's such a scaredy cat she eats whenever the house is quiet and she is comfortable to sneak over and get some. It will also be hard on me trying to figure out when to feed because my schedule changes so much at work. I cannot have a fat cat and the problems it causes. I don't want Cleopatra's life with us shortened because she's a glutton.

She has a huge gut now, poor thing. I blame it on her weird obsession with tomatoes. I have never seen a cat that loves tomatoes before, in fact, when I was eating a hamburger and I figured out that's what she was begging/reaching for instead of the meat, I had to google it to make sure I could give it to her. This ultimately I think is why she started digging in the trash...for pizza sauce. I haven't put any pics on my laptop of her yet, but I will upload some from my phone after I post this, including the one where she jumped into the fridge to guard "her precious" pizza box like Gollum. No, I didn't feed her any pizza. From time to time I would put a teensie bit of sauce on my finger or crust with a little sauce on it to let her try. I know it's bad, but I do give my babies teenie bits of people noms from time to time, nothing big though except for bits of steak. Alowicious won't eat it, but Neko and Cleo love it and meat is in their natural diet. That's he only thing Cleo is allowed to have any more because she cannot practice moderation like the other two and she gets completely obsessive. I guess that happens to some kitties when they go from starving and being in a place where food is scarce to somewhere where they get to sample a whole range of new tastes and smells. And where they see their new siblings come and stare at people and beg like dogs during dinner. LOL. Alowicious and Neko have learned though that if we don't give them anything when they beg, then they can give up and go away because it insn't gonna happen. Cleo however will jut sit there and reach up with her paw incessantly. She tries to touch the food so gently. It is cute even though I know it has to stop.

Well, that's all for now. I am going to upload some pics of Cleo being her cute, crackheaded crazy self. Smell ya later!

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